Summer Films - Shazam!
Wednesday, July 17, 2019, 09:00pm
Contact (716) 645-2950

We all have a superhero inside of us -- it just takes a bit of magic to bring it out. In 14-year-old Billy Batson's case, all he needs to do is shout out one word to transform into the adult superhero Shazam. Still a kid at heart, Shazam revels in the new version of himself by doing what any other teen would do -- have fun while testing out his newfound powers. But he'll need to master them quickly before the evil Dr. Thaddeus Sivana can get his hands on Shazam's magical abilities.

Rating: PG-13

Runtime: 2h 12m


Movie poster for the film "Shazam!"

Location Outside of Hayes Hall (South Campus)
Rain location - Diefendorf 148

Our films are open to everyone!

350 Student Union, Buffalo, NY 14260
P (716) 645-2950
F (716) 645-2112



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(716) 645-2950 | 350 Student Union, Buffalo NY 14260
