
Please Read

Welcome to the new Catering Contract Review/Creation wizard:

This form is intended for club officers to use, to request creation or review of a contract between the University at Buffalo Student Association Inc. ("SA") and any caterer that your club may wish to use.

Please fill out this form to submit a contract for review or request SA generate a new contract. Note that this process generally takes about 2-3 weeks depending on what the contract is for and other factors.

The club's Treasurer or President MUST request funds for the expenditure described in the requested contract, and the request for funds must be approved by the SA Treasurer in the SAFE system before the contract may be released. 

Contract Timeline:

  1. Request funds through SAFE (if there is a cost associated with this contract).
  2. Initial submission via this form
  3. Initial review by SA Staff
  4. Markups/Changes made (5-7 business days)
  5. Submitted to SA's lawyer for review if necessary (minimum of 1 week)
  6. Submitted to Campus Life for review if over $2,500 (may take up to 2 weeks)
  7. A contract may be executed on behalf of SA (including for any SA club) only if such contract is executed by the SA Treasurer and either the SA President or SA Vice President. No one else may sign any contract on behalf of SA or any SA club. SA E-Board approval is not guaranteed.

*All time frames stated are estimates. No turnaround time is guaranteed.

What do you need to know before you continue?

  1. Will the event include any of the following (if so, you’ll need additional insurance, contact Mark Sorel):

A Parade, March/Walk | Aircraft or hot air balloons | Alcohol | Animals | Any activity by third party telemarketing, direct mail or internet advertising firms | Carnivals with mechanical amusement rides | Contact sports | Events lasting more than 5 days | Events with more than 1000 people in attendance at any one time | Fireworks | Motorcycle runs or Automobile rallies |Political Rallies | Requirement to name performer as an Additional Insured | Rock, Hip-Hop or Rap performances with attendance greater than 500 | Rodeos

  1. Contact info for yourself and your club’s onsite contact (if it’s not you)
  2. What is the estimated attendance?
  3. Event:  Name, Description & Location
  4. Venue info
  5. Who is catering? And their contact info
  6. What time:
    1. You can access the venue?
    2. The event begins/ends?
    3. You be out of the venue?
    4. When will food be served?
    5. When will wait-staff/servers start/end?
    6. When does beverage service start/end?
  7. What is the minimum number of servers provided by the caterer?
  8. What is the maximum amount caterer could be paid under this contract?
  9. What is the maximum price per person?
  10. The legal name and address of the caterer (must match the person or entity receiving payment as presented on their W9)?
  11. Is there already a W9 on file? (check with SA finance department)
  12. Attach any documentation that your caterer provided, like a contract.
  13. What is the catering fee? We will need a BEO (Banquet Event Order) or other itemized menu.
  14. Are there any other terms or conditions to this deal (i.e., coat check, security, etc.)?

Download a PDF copy of "What you need to know"

Invalid Input
Based on the answers above, this event will require additional insurance. An email will be sent to you with instructions on how to start the process of securing insurance for this event.
Based on the answers above, this event will require an approved Alcohol Request before we can process this contract. A copy of the Alcohol Request form can be picked up at the SA office. Please still submit this contract request even if the Alcohol Request form has not yet been submitted.

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Enter your Contact Info

Please choose your club from the list!
Invalid Input
You must enter a valid UB email address that ends in ""
Please enter a valid US phone number in the format of: (123) 456-7890
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You must enter a valid UB email address that ends in ""
Please enter a valid US phone number in the format of: (123) 456-7890
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Event Info

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Invalid Input, you can only use numbers and the "-" symbol.
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Please note, we require 2 weeks to process contracts. The calendars will not allow you to select a date that is closer than 2 weeks from today.
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Payee Info

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Arrangement Info

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You will need you to provide a draft menu or Banquet Event Order (BEO). If you don't have one yet, you will need to provide us with one before the event may occur.
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Invalid Input - You must enter your amount as a standard number with 2 decimal places, no $ symbol or commas. Example (1234.56).
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350 Student Union, Buffalo, NY 14260
P (716) 645-2950
F (716) 645-2112



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Copyright © 2025 University at Buffalo Student Association Inc.
(716) 645-2950 | 350 Student Union, Buffalo NY 14260
